Thursday, May 26, 2011

Kog'maw Analysis

I really like this champion. I started playing him again since the changes to check him out. Here are some builds and my thoughts.

AP with Lichbane - Your ult, Slow, and debuff hit pretty good, though there are other champions that can do this better. Your slow can dominate a team fight though, which is very nice, but the damage increase isn't omg awesome. Sniping during pokes though is amazing. You can really wear down a team and push towers with blue buff.

Hybrid (Ginsoo, Gunblade, Trinity Force) Good hitting spell and Ults, and good auto attack. Nice if you are heavy AP/Magic damage. I liked this build a good deal.

Magic Shredder (Wit's End, Malady, Bloodrazer, Frozen Mallet, Void Staff) - omg wtf rape. Early game, concentrating on your W, your harras is very good. Once you get Maladu/Wit's end combo, you can start shredding whoever you want at a safe distance, or surprise them with your slow, and rape them as they try and run. Late game they would be able to get away from you and their health/MR means absolute crap. Your Ult spell is pretty weak though, so you really rely on W. Fortunately the cooldown is pretty low.

All in All, going to play him more often now and start to master him. Really think he is an underrated champion. Item changes + Recent buffs really made him a force to be reckoned with.


  1. Wow, this makes me rethink everything..

  2. I have no idea what this is about, please explain?

  3. I think this is about league of legends? It says it's his league of legends discussion!

    but I think it's cute

  4. I don't understand either, you should rename the title :P

  5. I have no idea what this is but the art looks awesome.

  6. I'd just like to say I would love to have that thing as a pet.

  7. I need to pick him up again, I have the reindeer skin but i'm terrible with him. lol

  8. Kog has always been good. Your builds are pretty much spot on, your missing one build the atkspeed one, he gets super fast.

  9. Aha! What's this?! There's magic in the air! Aha! Wha't this?! I have no idea wtf this is.

  10. I've been wanting to try this.

  11. I've never played it but now I really want to.

  12. its good seeing ppl doin their own analysis of champs like this =D

  13. aff i hate fighting against him ^^

  14. Havent tried this one, but loved DotA :D

  15. Gotta agree with you. I love playing this guy.

  16. Cool blog man! keep up the great work!

  17. I love KogMaw just recently got the mothra skin for him its pretty awsome.

  18. the recent change to him makes him a lot more playable =D
